XL Lair (CM Bone 1103)
Tar Heel Ants
$ 140.99
is back-ordered. We will ship it separately in 10 to 15 days.
**This is a Cyber Monday/Holiday Sales Formicarium***Ready for Shipping, this XL Lair comes as shown in the photo on this page.
***Canyon Foraging Area Decor (+15)***
PLEASE READ: While primarily intended for honey pot ants (Myrmecocystus spp.) this habitat can work for a number of species in addition to those of this genus. We recommend it for Formica spp. and Pogonomyrmex spp., and any other species similar to these in terms of requirements for habitat areas.The Lair formicarium, and XL Lair formicarium, are designed specifically for repletes of the "honey-pot" ant genus (Myrmecocystus) to hang from the celling comfortably, and also provide good viewing of the ants in a horizontal-style formicarium.
- Small/Medium Species Chambers
- 3 Water Towers
- 3 Overhang Areas (For Repletes)
- Canyon Foraging Area Decor (+15)
- Decor (Per Photo)
- Magnetically Removable Glass
- Type III Material
- 8x4x4 Foraging Area
- 4x8" Nest Block
The Lair is a new formicarium design from Tar Heel Ants. This design for your ant colonies features a 8x4x4" foraging area magnetically attached to the side of an 4x8 inch nest. This is a very similar design to our popular Fallen Fortress formicarium.
What comes in the box?
- Syringe for hydration (blunt tip)
- Feeding Dish
- Nest and Foraging Area
- Stopper for connection port
- Nestmate and stopper
Removable vent - The removable vent is best explained by calling it a "lid on a lid". This second lid is removable via magnets from the main lid. The purpose is to provide easy access to the foraging area to drop in food items. This is especially helpful when your habitat contains lots of hungry ants (perhaps it was too long since they were fed....) that are climbing on the upper parts of the foraging area walls.
Museum Glass - You will notice the difference every time you visit with your ant colony. Museum glass looks invisible! 95% glare reduction.
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