The Inception Chamber formicarium from Tar Heel Ants features hand-sculpted tunnels and chambers for ant queens and small ant colonies.
- Perfect Fit Lid for extreme containment
- 6" diameter, 2.5" (150mm x 65mm)
- 3 inch diameter nest chamber (75mm)
- White sand substrate
Large Water Tower Inside the Nest (Screen covered apparatus inside habitat for humidity)
- Hand-molded nest chamber
- Species size optional (small, medium, large or TINY)
- Choice of nest designs These are not species specific, so choose the one that you think suits you or your ants best based on your experience. Email with questions about what style is best for your ants at
Design Description:
Water Towers now all come inside the nest area. Older versions were made with with water towers in the foraging area or inside the nest. In almost all situations, all species, the water tower (humidity device) is a superior design. This puts the humidity where the ants are nesting, where the queen is laying her eggs. Keep in mind when heating this formicarium, the best methods are going to be on the sides and top (heat lamp or heat cables preferred).
Determining water level inside water towers:
Use a light (flashlight or cell phone light) to shine directly down on the water tower. Slightly tilting your Inception Chamber, the water will be seen moving in the reflection from the light at the bottom of the water tower. You can also pick up the entire habitat and look underneath to see the water level.
Filling the water tower inside:
When empty, only add 7-8ml of water. Now, check the water level with your light from above. Get used to seeing how full the water level is this way before determining if you wish to add more. The water tower capacity is 15ml, but it is recommended to only fill this about 2/3 maximum to prevent water spilling during maintenance.
Feeding and Maintenance Tips:
The removable vent is recommended for this formicarium. The lid is very tight, particularly at first (it loosens over time but is always secure for even tiny ants), so having the removable vent option (NOT RECOMMENDED FOR TINY ANTS).
Do not leave food in the Inception Chamber foraging area for more than 8-12 hours on average (liquid feeders are ok). The higher humidity environment of this nest design (there is not as large of a separation in foraging area and nest area for this formicarium) can cause foods to mold quicker than, for example, a Mini Hearth where the foraging box is a separate area entirely.
What comes in the box? Hydration device (syringe, pipette etc.), Inception Chamber, and stoppers.

"Random" Design for small ant species.
- Hydration Port
- Décor Optional
- Magnetically removable lid. This helps with easy maintenance of your pets.
Watch the following YouTube playlist for more information on Tar Heel Ants formicarium options:
Here are some links to the individual options videos:
***Please READ! This formicarium, like all of our other formicaria, are hand-made-to-order. Inception Chambers take between 7-14 business days to complete and ship out from our manufacturing location. During peak season which is from March to August and November and December this can take much longer. On some occasions we will have some stock available for immediate shipping. Please email us at for inquiries.