• Genesis Double Test Tube Feeder

    Tar Heel Ants

  • $ 4.49

  • Description

    Genesis  DoubleTest Tube Feeders are a new ant keeping accessory product from Tar Heel Ants.  This test tube accessory provides a dual feeding dish inside your test tube habitat to help keep your test tube surfaces clean and mold-free.  The Genesis Feeder is only guaranteed to fit test tubes sold at www.tarheelants.com.  Otherwise the Genesis test tube feeder can be used in any foraging area as a feeding dish.

    ***Best Used With Genesis Covered Insert 1***

    ***The length of this feeding tray can make it difficult to use with the standard size genesis inserts. It can work with a smaller water reservoir.  These are also great for normal feeding dishes in a foraging area***

    The Genesis Feeder was designed in combination with the Genesis Test Tube Insert to fit the available space inside Tar Heel Ants test tubes.  Before moving ants inside your test tube a brief period of measurement and testing is recommended to ensure that the proper amount of space is available for the reservoir cotton, insert, and Genesis feeding dish to line up perfectly.  

    The cotton plug of the test tube fits over the feeding dish handle (see photos) to prevent ants from escaping.  


Genesis Double Test Tube Feeder

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